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Value Characteristic Points
15/25 STR 5
16/21 DEX 18
20 CON 20
12 BODY 4
18 INT 8
14 EGO 8
18 PRE 8
12 COM 1
5/10 PD 0
5/15 ED 1
5 SPD 34
10 REC 2
50 END 5
50 STUN 15
  Total 129


Points Ability Powers END
14 Bio-Electric Generation Elemental Control (20-pt reserve); Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: , -½; Reduced END: Half, +¼ (25)  
a-21 Electro Blast 10d6 Energy Blast; Range: 310; Versus: ED; Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: , -½; Reduced END: Half, +¼ (62) 2
b-21 Electro-Bolt 7d6 Energy Blast; Range: 305; Versus: ED; Armor Piercing: 1, +½; Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: , -½; Reduced END: Half, +¼ (61) 2
c-26 Electro-Flurry 7d6 Energy Blast; Range: 350; Versus: ED; Auto fire: 5 shots, ½; Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: Seriously, -½; Reduced END: Half, +½ (70) 3
d-21 Electro-Shock 7d6 Energy Blast; Range: 305; Versus: ED; Uncontrolled: +½; Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: , -½; Reduced END: Half, +¼ (61) 2
e-14 Flight 20" Flight (NC: 40"); NCM: ×2, +0; Non-Combat (MPH): 74; Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: , -½; Reduced END: Half, +¼ (50) 2
f-14 Electro-Field Force Field (20 PD/20 ED); Only in Hero ID: -¼; Not when wet/ Under water: Seriously, -½; Reduced END: Half, +¼ (50) 2
10 Costume Armor (5 PD/5 ED); OIF: -½ (15)  
8 Bio-Electric Enhancement +10 STR; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (10) 1
9 Bio-Electric Enhancement +5 DEX; Doesn't Affect Figured: -½; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (15)  
4 Bio-Electric Enhancement +5 PD; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (5)  
8 Bio-Electric Enhancement +10 ED; Only in Hero ID: -¼ (10)  
170   Total Powers  


Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll
5 Acrobatics 14-
2 City Knowledge 11-
15 +3 level w/Ranged Combat  
3 Scientist  
3 Contribution to team base  
3 Computer Programming 13-
3 Electronics 11-
3 Inventor 13-
2 Biochemistry 13-
2 Biophysics 13-
2 Electronics Engineering 13-
2 Research 13-
3 KS: Comics 13-
3 KS: Known Heroes/Villains 13-
51 Total Skills, Talents, Perks  


200+ Disadvantages
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
15 DNPC; Girlfriend: Peggy Spalding (Incompetent, 11-); Skills: Useful, -5
10 DF: Sparks and Static; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Always noticed & major reaction, +5
5 Enraged: Innocent people harmed/endangered (11-, 14-); Circumstances: Uncommon, +5
10 Hunted: Dread (8-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
15 Hunted: Viper (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
10 Social:  Public Identity
10 Rep.: Hero (11-)
10 2d6 Unlucky: Trouble Magnet
15 Susceptibility: Being wet (2d6 Drain EC /Turn); Condition: Uncommon, +5
20 Code Against Killing (Common, Total)
10 Strives to live by the heroes code (Common, Moderate)
150 Total Disadvantages


COSTS: Char.   Powers   Total Total   Disadv.   Base
  129 + 221 = 350 350 = 150 + 200


OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases
7 7 5 0 35/25 40/25 3, 5, 8, 10, 12