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NOTE:  This is my interpretation of ARCHETYPE and may not be the same as those of Steve Long and the wonderful people of HERO GAMES / DOJ

In CHAMPIONS  characters can be divided into groups called Archetypes.

An Archetype is a combination of a character type and flavor (How they are played)

I WILL JUST GIVE A BASIC run down.  For more information on archetypes read CHAMPIONS Pp 69-80



This is a character based on brawn and a hardy resistance to physical damage.


This is a character who can shoot powerful blasts of energy/Ice/radiation/other from their body (Is short they are a walking concealed weapon.  (Also see Weapon Master) 


These characters do not possess super powers themselves.  They either build, buy or find high tech devices that give them super powers.


This character is a normal person (or exotically trained) practitioner of the martial arts, (Real or custom designed)  Read the Ultimate Martial Artist from DOJ


This character's abilities are derived from their Psionic potential.


This character is a shape shifter.  He is able to alter part of all of their body into another shape resulting in a different appearance and / or power.


This character is trained (Or gifted) in the art of magic, able to alter reality to their will. With magic, any power or skill in champions can be at the character's disposal.  GM's me aware.


This character embodies the spirit of their nation.  They possess abilities that are associated with their country or can be used to defend it.


This character (Like the Gadgeteer) does not possess any powers of their own.  Instead, all their powers are derived from the powered suit of armor (Magical/Technological) that they wear


As the name suggests, this character is based on speed and moving fast (That was redundant wasn't it)  and either a high DEX or a fast reaction time.


This character, like the energy projector, can shoot powerful blasts to attack opponents at range.  But unlike the energy projector they themselves do not posses any powers to do so.  Instead they have a weapon to create the blasts.  The Weapon Master can also have a weapon for melee fighting.


Now for a bit of confusion and why I say Archetype is a COMBINATION of power type and character flavor.

          Brick?  He is strong.  (Lifting cars and such)
          Gadgeteer?  He did make the web-shooters, trackers and a bunch of other Spidey gear
          Martial Artist?  You have read and seen (movie) how he fights.
          Patriot?  His costume is Red White and Blue  (OK.  That was pushing it)
          Speedster?  He had phenomenal dexterity and reflexes along with speed.
          Weapon Master?  His web-shooters give him some ranged attacks.

So as you see.  Depending on how a character is played and what is considered a character main ability  It can be simple or next to impossible to place a character into an archetype.